Internationally Renowned ELI Program to Again Offer Optional VIP Tour

Applications are flowing in for Harker’s world-renowned English Language Institute (ELI), held on both the lower and upper school campuses. The program, which begins on July 6, will bring top-level English instruction to international students.

ELI offers two tracks, with multiple academic levels. The program provides a nurturing environment for students looking to improve their language skills or prepare for admission to American boarding schools and English-speaking international schools. Small classes and experienced teachers help foreign students develop speaking, reading and writing skills to ensure their readiness.

The elementary division is for ages 6-11 and the secondary division is for ages 12-16. After a full day of instruction, students in both programs interact with Harker’s regular summer participants to make new friends and practice their English with native speakers.

New to the program last year was a week-long “Very Interesting Places” (VIP) tour. This option, available to all ELI students, proved successful and will be offered again this year at the conclusion of ELI’s regular five-week academic session.

During the VIP trip, students follow a specialized course of study to continue developing reading, writing and speaking competency while visiting university campuses, Silicon Valley businesses, places of interest and treasured landmarks. The tour will be capped off with an overnight trip to the scenic California coast.

The VIP tour was born from widespread interest from ELI participants in having more excursions to enhance their American social and cultural experiences, explained ELI director Anthony Wood last year. Wood said that enrollment is again expected to fill up quickly.

Fun outings on this year’s VIP tour will include attending a professional baseball game, whale watching in Monterey, hiking in Big Sur, touring the Jelly Belly factory, attending an outdoor performance in Carmel and going to Great America.

ELI initially began as a year-round boarding school program, which closed in 2001 due to Harker’s upper school expansion. It evolved into the current summer program, which launched in 2004. For the past few summers ELI has steadily grown in attendance, especially in the primary division.  

International students come to Harker accompanied by a parent or local guardian and stay in nearby apartments or with area family and friends. At the end of the ELI session, students receive an English proficiency certificate based on academic performance and progress, as well as a comprehensive teacher report and testing evaluation.

For more information about the ELI program:
