Upper School Performing Arts and Journalism Students Attend YWCA Luncheon

A group of Harker’s upper school performing arts and journalism students attended a local YWCA luncheon, where academy award-winning actress Geena Davis gave the keynote address to an audience of over a thousand.

Davis is one of Hollywood’s most-respected actors. She earned the 2006 Golden Globe Award for best performance by an actress in a television series – breaking ground in her portrayal of the first female president of the United States in ABC’s hit show “Commander in Chief.”

The YWCA of Silicon Valley’s annual luncheon features guest speakers who serve as role models for women and girls. Held every October at the Santa Clara Convention Center, event proceeds help support the group’s much-lauded services.

Harker regularly hosts a table for upper school students who have a special passion for that year’s topic. The Harker group who attended this year’s event, all seniors, were performing arts students Ishanya Anthapur, Caroline Howells, Juhi Muthal, Madi Lang-Ree and Zoe Woehrmann, along with journalism students Jessica Chang and Riya Godbole. Accompanying them was upper school performing arts teacher Laura Lang-Ree.

Each year, more than 40 companies and hundreds of individuals sponsor the YWCA’s luncheon. The mission of the YWCA is to empower women, children and families, and to eliminate racism, hatred and prejudice. The organization provides programs in the areas of sexual assault intervention and prevention, counseling services, domestic violence, child care, youth programs, family services, and social and racial justice.

The YWCA of Silicon Valley serves nearly 18,000 Santa Clara County residents each year, and has provided countywide services for more than 100 years. More information can be found at www.ywca-sv.org

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