Infinities Robotics Team Wins Championship at Central Valley VEX Robotics Challenge

Last week, grade 9 students Anooshree Sengupta, Mona Lee, Maya Kumar, Aria Coalson, Aliesa Bahri and Jessica Susai – collectively known as the Harker Infinities – were named champions at the Central Valley VEX Robotics Challenge held at Modesto Junior College.

The team had spent months in preparation, meeting every weekend since before the school year had even started. “Our team has been working on the robot since summer during four-hour practice sessions each Saturday and Sunday,” said Coalson.

In addition to extensive work on their robot, the team members maintained a successful spirit of cooperation. “The team did an amazing job of cooperating with each other, staying positive, and putting all of their effort into any and all tasks that they had,” said Bahri. “Also, I loved that our robot design was extremely creative. I didn’t see many teams that resembled our robot’s overall design.”

“I think our stamina throughout the day was incredible. We managed to stay focused and win every match we played,” said Sengupta. “This was helped in part by our adaptability. Although we ran into a couple issues with the mat setup, we either talked to the refs or programmed around it.”

The Infinities’ performance in Modesto put them in contention for the Northern California championship. They hope to perform well enough to qualify for the world championship competition. Lee hopes that by winning a world championship, the Infinities can set an example for girls who aspire to enter robotics, “as it would show that it is just as possible for an all-girls team to win the world championship as it is for any other team.”

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