Middle School Holds Annual Canned Food Drive to Help Feed the Hungry

The middle school’s annual canned food drive began in early October and will run until mid-November. This year’s drive is being hosted by The Service Club in conjunction with Second Harvest Food Bank. At least 40 receptacles have been placed around the school for students and teachers to donate nonperishable food items.

“It’s a fun and good cause,” said Lorena Martinez, BEST director for the middle school, who is spearheading the project.  

Martinez reported that if the students bring in 5,000 cans (10 per student), she and BJ Hathaway, assistant director of the Blackford campus’ BEST program, will dress up as turkeys after the drive’s conclusion. To date, nearly 800 cans have been collected.

“It is a house challenge. Whichever house wins gets 100 spirit points. Beneficium is in the lead as of now,” she said.

Stepping up to help those in need during the holiday season – and year round – is especially important now, as some 15.8 million children under 18 live in households where they are unable to consistently access enough nutritious food necessary for a healthy life, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

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