Class Notes — Harker Academy 1960-1991–Harker Quarterly Spring 2014


Margie Harris reports that Shirley Temple Black’s only son, Charles Black, Jr., was a 1966 graduate of Harker. “I know this to be the case because I went to school with [Linda] Susan Agar, Mrs. Black’s oldest daughter, and would see her younger brother in his uniform when he would attend school plays at Castilleja,” she recalled. 


Steve Worsley sends his regards from Bonn, Germany, where he is working as a chef. During the course of his career, he has traveled to some 134 countries. 


The Class of 1975 mourns the loss of John DeLucchi who died in October of brain cancer. He worked as a firefighter in Las Vegas. 


Marcus Sharei reports that he got married in November. 


Entrepreneur Chris Kelly gave an address at the State of the Valley, Silicon Valley’s annual town meeting. Nearly 1,300 people packed the 2014 conference on Feb. 7 at the Santa Clara Convention Center. The day began with an update on the region’s economy and Chris addressed whether Silicon Valley’s innovation could solve social and political problems. A number of current Harker students were in attendance, and had the opportunity to chat with him after his talk. 
