Upper School Singers Featured at Annual Concert

This article originally appeared in the summer 2014 Harker Quarterly.

Upper school vocal groups came together for In Concert on May 2. Jennifer Sandusky directed Bel Canto in a diverse set including “Tres Cantos Nativos Dos Indios Krao,” a song that combines melodies sung by South American natives.

The girls choir Cantilena, directed by Susan Nace, sang selections from Europe, including “Dancing Song” by Hungarian composer Zoltán Kodály.

Next, the always-entertaining boys a cappella group Guys’ Gig brought smiles and laughter to the show with pre-intermission picker-uppers.

Camerata, also directed by Nace, opened the second half of the show, finishing with Greg Gilpin’s “Keep on Walkin’ Down that Heavenly Road.”

Show choir Downbeat, co-directed by Sandusky and Laura Lang-Ree, came out of the gate with a rousing version of “Something’s Coming” from “West Side Story.” They were joined by Bel Canto for the final song of the evening, Carly Simon’s “Let the River Run.”

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