Alumnus Visits Saratoga, Teaches Latin Class

An interest in Harker’s Latin program brought alumnus Thomas Garvey MS ’95 back to the Saratoga campus on Sept. 21. Currently working on his Ph.D. in ancient Greek and Latin at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, Garvey was invited by US Latin teacher John Hawley to be a guest teacher.

“When I was here, there was neither a high school nor a Latin program; I was interested just in seeing what the program was like,” Garvey said. “I e-mailed John Hawley, and he very graciously said I could come and observe, and actually asked me if I could guest teach a class.”

In the class, Garvey had students read and translate poems and discussed grammar, culture and etymology.

Garvey said he expects to be finished with his Ph.D. in May of 2010 and is currently seeking teaching positions and professorships at various universities.

Since graduating the eighth grade, he has been following the growth of Harker over the years by reading the school’s newsletters.

“I sort of found it hard to believe that it could get any more fantastic than when I was here,” Garvey said, “But it seems to have done it!”

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