A Look Back at Alumni Holiday News

During the holiday season, Harker alumni got together for several fun happenings, including a 10-year reunion, informal soccer game and the ever-popular Santa’s Winter Wonderland event. Enjoy this special winter photo montage slideshow recalling several holiday alumni events!

Class of 2003 Holds Fun 10-Year Reunion

Nearly 70 alumni from the Class of 2003 got together for a casual 10-year reunion just before Harker’s winter break. The event took place at the Village Bistro on Santana Row. A good time was had by all!

Alumni Victorious in Soccer Game Held Over Winter Break

More than a dozen graduates from the classes of 2010, 2012 and 2013 had a blast playing soccer in a fun, informal game, held during Harker’s winter break, which pitted the alumni against the boys varsity soccer team. The alumni emerged victorious with a final score of 7-4.

Santa’s Winter Wonderland Delights Alumni Families

Once again, Santa’s Winter Wonderland brought together alumni and their families. The special annual holiday celebration was held in early December on the lower school campus for Harker alumni, faculty, staff and their families. A highlight of the beloved pre-Christmas event was watching children take turns sitting on Santa’s lap and having pictures taken with him, which were then printed out for them to keep. The children also had fun playing games and doing arts and crafts.
