Visit to Intel a Hit with Tech Savvy Grade 5 Students

Grade 5 students recently went on a high-tech field trip to the Intel Museum. Located at Intel’s headquarters in Santa Clara, the museum’s exhibits showcase Intel’s products and history, as well as semiconductor technology in general.

The museum got its start in the early 1980s as an internal project to record Intel history. It opened to the public in 1992; in 1999 its size was tripled and a store was added. It is a popular destination for grade-school educational programs. Intel is especially relevant to many Harker students, who live in the area or have parents who work in the technology industry.

After the first group (out of 129 students) returned to Harker after visiting the museum, their teachers overheard them telling other students that they were going to “love the museum and that the exhibits were cool,” according to Lisa Diffenderfer, lower school assistant director of instructional technology.

Diffenderfer also reported that Stephanie Denova, Intel’s museum coordinator, wrote her a note stating how glad she was that the fifth graders had such a great visit and that “we were all impressed with your students and how well-behaved they are.”
