New Playdate in the Park Event Unites and Reunites Lower School Families

About 120 new and returning Harker families gathered for the lower school’s inaugural Playdate in the Park in early August at the John D. Morgan Park in Campbell. The event provided a casual morning of fun and friendship, as well as an early opportunity for lower school families to gather as a community.

“It was all about meeting new families and reconnecting with old friends,” said Tere Aceves, the lower school’s director of volunteer events. “It was great to see kids playing soccer and on the playground, many of the little ones enjoyed the water facilities, and dads were playing Frisbee with students, too.”

“There were many activities to do at the park, and families also brought their favorite games and outdoor recreational equipment to share with friends,” added Mandi Corona, Harker’s events coordinator.

New students were provided with a Harker T-shirt prior to the Playdate in the Park event and were excited to have a chance to put it on for their first lower school function. Returning students proudly displayed their regular school T-shirts or ones from other fun Harker happenings, such as picnic and summer camp.

During the entire morning of what proved to be a successful first communal event of its kind, lower school staff were on hand for questions at a nearby Harker alumni tent.

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