Opening Day Win on the Gridiron

Cheered on by family, friends and fellow students, the Harker varsity football team started off the season with a 21-7 win against the San Jose High Academy Bulldogs at San Jose on  Sept. 11. Bogdan Botcharov, Gr. 12, scored on runs from the 21-yard and 5-yard lines in the first quarter to take an early 14-0 lead. San Jose scored the Bulldogs’ lone touchdown before the end of the first half but Rishi Bhatia, Gr. 11, kept the Bulldogs deep in their own territory with pinpoint kickoffs until the third quarter. Bhatia then booted a 50-yard punt that came to rest on the San Jose 10-yard line. Two plays later, Cole Davis, Gr. 12, scooped up a fumble from his linebacker position and returned it for the game’s final score. Davis was Harker’s standout on defense with 18 tackles. Jose Costa, Gr. 12, kicked three extra points for the Eagles. The Harker squad is preparing for their next game on Fri., Sept. 18, at Yerba Buena in San Jose. For the schedule of varsity football games, see

Prior to the varsity game, the JV team lost a hard-fought contest against San Jose High Academy 12-6.  JV coach Geoff Lundie is very optimistic about next week’s away game against Yerba Buena.
