STEM Week Brings Science Awareness, Raises Money for Charities

Harker’s WiSTEM club (Women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) held this year’s STEM week in late January, as students in Harker’s various science-based clubs and organizations held special on-campus events to celebrate a range of scientific fields. Activities included a gaming event held by the Harker chapter of the Interscholastic Gaming League and a quiz bowl in which the upper school grade levels tested their knowledge in friendly competition.

During the week, STEM clubs also raised money by selling sweatshirts and treats. Prior to STEM week, each grade chose an organization that they wanted to support. Proceeds to each organization were split according to the number of participation points each class earned. Grade 12, with 275 points, gave $550 to Operation Smile. The juniors scored 175 points and donated $350 to charity: water. Grades 9 and 10 tied with 150 points and respectively sent $300 to Heal the Bay and Doctors Without Borders.

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