Harker’s Newest Families Get Oriented at AnswerQuest

Parents with incoming kindergartners recently met other new families while learning key information to best prepare for their first year at Harker during AnswerQuest, the school’s annual orientation event.

The special, informal evening was held in mid-April at the lower school. The information-packed event included a light supper, giving parents the opportunity to get to know one another.

After dinner, participants traveled from table to table in the gym at the Bucknall campus to chat with Harker staff during a program called “The Inside Scoop,” which afforded a helpful one-on-one “ask the experts” session.

An official administrative presentation, a demo of Web portals, and an additional chance for questions and answers followed. A booklet handed out during the program was also made available in a special section of the parent portal on Harker’s website the day after the event.

Sponsored by the Harker admission team as separate sessions for all grade levels, AnswerQuest is an especially important first step for parents of kindergartners who are new to the Harker community and may not have other children already attending the school.

By the end of the evening these new parents went home feeling warmly welcomed, connected to other newcomers, and better informed about all that kindergarten at Harker has to offer.
