Coming Soon: Harker Speaker Series

The Harker Speaker Series (HSS), an exciting program bringing leaders and visionaries from a variety of fields to share expertise or unique experiences with our community, will begin its third year with a pair of audience-friendly refinements: complimentary child care and a social hour. With a 7 p.m. start time for most HSS events, the child care, refreshments and social time will help families make the most of attending these very special events.

HSS guests have included Dr. Seth Shostak of the SETI Institute; Dahr Jamail, an unembedded war journalist; Tal Ben Shahar, Ph. D., Harvard professor and author; Kyle Maynard, athlete and author; and most recently Rick Smolan, acclaimed photojournalist and author.

This year’s first speaker will be announced soon, so watch the Harker e-Weekly, portal and HNO for more information. Questions can be directed to
