Student Wins Aspirations in Computing Award from National Center for Women in Informational Technology

Sadhika Malladi, grade 9, received an Aspirations in Computing Award from the National Center for Women in Informational Technology (NCWIT), which recognizes young women in high schools across the country for their achievements in the various fields of computing. The NCWIT chooses awardees based on their aptitude, leadership skills, academic standing and their future goals for a career in computing. Malladi chose upper school AP Computer Science teacher Richard Page to endorse her.

Malladi said that winning the award has introduced her to a community of inspiring women in the computing industry. “I’ve been welcomed into this community of amazing and inspiring women who work in the computing field and many high school girls who share a similar interest in computing,” she said. “More than the prestige of the award, I’m excited to be part of this community because they share exciting technological opportunities and scholarships with everyone.”

Prizes that Malladi received for winning the award included an iPod Touch, a $250 Amazon gift card and a tour of the Google campus.

Previous Harker winners of this award include Sierra Lincoln, grade 12, Shreya Nathan ’11, Vivian Wong ’10 and Jacqueline Wang ’13 (deceased).

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