Middle School Visitor Extols the Many Benefits of Participating in Forensics

Thanks to Karina Momary, director of middle school forensics, for providing us with this story.
Colin Rule (Alex, grade 6) visited Karina Momary’s seventh period public speaking class in late February to speak about the beneficial effects forensics had on his life; he also gave advice on how to give an effective impromptu speech.

Momary’s students were preparing for their own impromptu speech project, where they receive a topic, have two minutes to prepare and are expected to speak for three minutes. Rule focused on what he called the three3 Cs – clarity, confidence and connection. He also shared a few stories highlighting his best debate rounds and how he found some great evidence and was able to beat a team on the quality of the evidence.

Rule is a former debater from The Greenhill School in Texas (1989). He was one of their team captains as well as one of the best debaters in their history and their top debate award,  given in September at the school’s annual debate tournament, is named after Rule. He is currently the CEO at Modria. http://www.modria.com/team/
