Conservatory Begins Year, Announces Shows

Members and students interested in joining the upper school’s performing arts department, known as the the Harker Conservatory, met on Sept. 3 in the Blackford Theater to learn about the programs available to budding artists. The Conservatory faculty, led by Laura Lang-Ree, director of performing arts, each spoke about their specific fields, and also addressed the evening’s main theme – integrity within the arts. Special topics included how to hear and give feedback, how to respond appropriately to peer pressure and potential disappointment, and tips on making the process of production equally as enjoyable as the final performance.

Jeff Draper, upper school drama teacher, announced that he will be directing Bertolt Brecht’s “Galileo” as this year’s fall play, and Lang-Ree revealed that the spring musical will be “Les Misérables.”

More than 370 parents and students attended, with freshmen interested in learning about the specialized Certificate Program remaining after the main program.
