Student Takes First Place for the Quarter in Kids Who Give Contest

Rohan Chandra, grade 12, was recently named the first-place winner of the Kids Who Give contest for the period ending Sept. 30. The Kids Who Give program, sponsored by Farm Rich, recognizes young citizens who devise solutions to help their local communities. Chandra created the Earthquake Preparedness for Seniors project for the senior citizens of his Fremont neighborhood, whom he felt would be particularly vulnerable in the event of a major earthquake. He even created an instructional safety guide in no fewer than six languages: English, Spanish, Mandarin, Hindi, Farsi and Tagalog, which are also the most commonly used languages in the Bay Area. In order to fund the project, Chandra raised more than $10,000. To date, more than 1,000 copies of the guide and more than 250 earthquake kits have been distributed.

As a quarterly winner, Chandra will be awarded $3,500 and has been entered into a voting competition that will take place in early 2013, the winner of which will be awarded a grand prize of $10,000.
