Student Named a Los Gatos Youth Citizen of the Year, Honored at Ceremony

Tara Rezvani, grade 12, was recognized at Los Gatos’ Youth Park Citizen Day on Sept. 29 for being chosen as one of Los Gatos’ Youth Citizens of the Year. She joined other recipients of the honor in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance at the Oct. 1 Los Gatos Town Council meeting, where she had the opportunity to meet Los Gatos mayor Steve Rice.

Los Gatos Youth Park Inc. selects local youths each year based on their service to their communities and status as role models. Among Rezvani’s many accomplishments are organizing a health camp for children, volunteer work at El Camino Hospital and being inducted into the National French Honor Society. Rezvani will also take part in Los Gatos’ holiday tree-lighting ceremony on Nov. 30 and blow the whistle to start the Los Gatos Children’s Holiday Parade on Dec. 1.
