Middle School Latin Students Hold JCL Induction at Laser Quest

Harker’s Junior Classical League (JCL) got off to a great start with this year’s inaugural event, held Sept. 28 at Laser Quest in Mountain View.

The evening, which landed on the last Friday night of the month, provided an informal opportunity for participants to unite in a fun, casual atmosphere.

According to Lisa Masoni, a middle school Latin teacher who helped spearhead the event, students enjoyed relaxing together and ending their busy week by “accessing their inner warriors and enjoying a Roman dinner of pizza and soda!”

The JCL is part of a larger organization – the California Junior Classical League – which was founded in 1955 to provide a forum for Latin students to compete in a wide range of academic, art and athletic contests, both individually and by chapter.

To qualify for admittance to the JCL students must be enrolled in or have successfully completed a semester of a classical language course.

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