Faculty Giving Paves Way for “All In!” Annual Campaign Kickoff

This article was originally published in the fall 2012 Harker Quarterly.

The Harker School is proud of its faculty, who set an example for the Harker community by going “all in” last year with a record-breaking 100 percent participation in the school’s annual giving campaign drive.

“This is just one of many ways our faculty show their dedication to our students’ education,” said Melinda Gonzales, managing director of advancement.

Now, with the fall launch of this year’s “All In!” annual campaign, parents are poised to join faculty in supporting student programs by making a gift themselves. The official campaign phoneathon is the week of Sept. 30, but parents may make their gift any time by going online to www. harker.org/onlinegiving or by using the envelope included in this publication.

If parents have any questions about making their gift, they are urged to contact Gonzales at melindag@harker.org. They are also invited to visit Harker’s new “Recognition & Thanks” page on the parent portal at www.harker.org/rt.

“Each month we recognize our most recent donors and volunteers – those people who help to create our strong and vibrant community,” noted Gonzales.
