Student Attends Rotary Clubs’ Enterprise Leadership Conference at Asilomar

Rising senior Kathir Sundarraj attended this year’s Enterprise Leadership Conference, held at Asilomar in March. Organized by the San Jose and Los Altos Rotary Clubs, the ELC brings students selected from a number of different local high schools together and places them in groups, which then come up with a product and present it to a group of investors.

“In creating this business proposition, there were many areas that we needed to learn about,” Sundarraj said. Such areas included marketing, human resources and financing. “A presenter, usually a Rotarian, came to lecture about each of the topics.”

Sundarraj also got to socialize with the other students at the conference. “We went to the beach and participated in a couple of socials,” he said.

He particularly enjoyed meeting the students at the conference, who came from diverse backgrounds. “Usually, as a debater, the people I meet from other schools tend to be debaters,” he said. “However, it was very interesting to see many leaders all with their own unique talents and passions.”

He also relished the opportunity to meet the business leaders in attendance at the conference and listen to their success stories. “What the Rotary Cub is doing is a great enterprise, and I hope they continue to hold ELC!” Sundarraj exclaimed.