Service Pins Awarded to Honor Dedicated Employees

Every year, Harker employees who have been with the school for five years are recognized for their service to the community by receiving commemorative pins. Every subsequent five years, a diamond is set into the pin to signify the employees’ continued dedication.

A total of 27 employees received new pins this year. They are: Miriam Allersma, Michelle Anderson, Raelynn Baldwin, Samantha Brailey, Joe Connolly, Linda Felice, Ray Fowler, Sabina Grogan, Sabrina Gutierrez, Katherine Hammond, Andrew Irvine, Butch Keller, Jane Keller, Karl Kuehn, Greg Lawson, Joseph Lejander, Danae McLaughlin, Luis Mayorga-Perez, Andrea Milius, Bernard Morrissey, Matt Ortiz, Erin Redfern, Ramon Rivera, Chris Spenner, Nancy Tomlitz, Jennifer Walrod and Pauline Warren.

Employees honored for 10 years of service were: Pilar Aguero-Esparza, Manuel Amaya, Monica Colletti, Roberto Fernandez, Anita Gilbert, Manuel Gomez, Derek Kameda, Kumi Matsui, Alexandra Rosenboom, Ruth Meyer, Antonio Mora Perez, Susan Nace, Lori Philipp, Jose Flores Ramirez, Ignacio Rojas, Vince Salinas and Jose Serrano.

Employees honored for 15 years of service were: Giresh Ghooray, Steven Hewitt, Juan Jimenez, Cyrus Merrill, Marianne Rager, Vonda Reid, Efren Parra Rivera and Janet Rohrer.

Kristin Giammona was recognized for 20 years of service and Lisa Hackwood for 25 years.

JR Del Alto, Sarah Leonard, Lisa Machuca, Nan Nielsen and Joe Rosenthal all received recognition for 30 years of service, and Cindy Ellis and Gene Sanchez were honored for their 35 years with Harker.
