New Parents Meet, Learn More About Harker

In one of the most enjoyable opening-of-school events, new parents gathered at the Silver Creek Valley Country Club to meet each other and the administrators who will guide their children’s growth. Hosted for the second year by Sally Anderson, alumni parent and trustee, the event drew over 150 parents of students in all grades.

While enjoying the food, wine and ambiance of the country club, guests were treated to video clips of students’ accomplishments in recent years, including news clips of winners of Intel and J8 awards, top athletes, and classroom and extracurricular activities like Destination Imagination teamwork and Jump Rope 4 Heart activities. Alumna Casey Near ’06 spoke feelingly on what her time at Harker has meant to her, both while at Harker and as a college student.

Harker administrators attending included Chris Nikoloff, head of school, Joe Rosenthal,  executive director of advancement,  Jennifer Gargano, assistant  head of school for academic affairs, Greg Lawson, assistant head of school for student affairs and Nan Nielsen, admission director.

2009_08 SW New Parent Reception Event – Images by The Harker School