Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Week Demonstrates Wonders of Science

The last week of February was a big one for Harker STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) students, as various upper school clubs organized special science-themed events on the upper school campus for each day of the week. On Monday, members of the school’s various STEM-related clubs handed out fun crossword puzzles with science-themed clues for their fellow students to solve. The robotics team staged an indoor cart race on Tuesday, and on Wednesday the WiSTEM fair showcased a variety of scientific phenomena, such as a bubble machine and the use of liquid nitrogen to freeze various objects.

On Thursday, the Harker chapter of the Interscholastic Gaming League displayed a range of gaming platforms from the past several  decades, from Atari to the Xbox 360. Finally, on Friday, the Chemistry Club showed off some of the neat “magic tricks” that are possible with chemistry, including marble sculpting, an explosive hydrogen balloon and the famous Briggs-Rauscher color oscillation reaction, in which a variety of chemicals are combined to create a visually striking series of color changes.

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