All Skill Levels Welcome at Harker Summer Tennis Programs

Harker’s summer Tennis Camp is a great opportunity for tennis enthusiasts aged 7-14 (entering grades 2-8 in fall 2012) to improve their knowledge and skills. For competitive tennis players aged 6-18, the Harker Oakwood Tennis Training System (HOTTS) will have team practices and interclub matches, in addition to instruction on advance techniques, strategy, footwork and sports psychology.

Both programs will incorporate physical training, on-court instruction, technique practice and practice with both instructors and ball machines. “For the past two years, we have been using the Spanish developmental foundation used by the renowned Sanchez Casal Academy for our aspiring players,” says Harker tennis couach Craigh Pasqua, certified by the United States Professional Tennis Association. “This foundation emphasizes a different way to address the ball and includes techniques to mitigate the high levels of repetitive stress placed on one’s body by using today’s angular strokes.” Emilio Sanchez, who developed the technique and has helped develop top players such as Rafael Nadal and Arantxa Sanchez Vicario, personally introduced Pasqua to the method.

New to this year’s program is the Quickstart League. Geared toward players under 10, the league will hold regular afternoon practices and offers participants the opportunity to play on smaller courts with smaller nets. Students will also attend the Bank of the West Classic tennis competition at Stanford University. “During our annual visit, our campers have the opportunity to meet many of the players and participate in a special program for junior players,” Pasqua said.

In addition to coaching, Pasqua also directs Standing Tall Tennis, a nonprofit organization that specializes in helping at-risk youths on Indian reservations through tennis instruction. For his years of community service, he was recently recognized by the Northern California chapter of the United States Tennis Association, who honored him with a “Trailblazer” award for his years of service.

The Tennis Camp and HOTTS both take place at the Oakwood Tennis Center in San Jose, located at 700 Saratoga Ave. Both programs run from June 25 through Aug. 10, 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. More information and registration are available on the Harker Summer Camp Tennis web pages.

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