Holiday Brunch Brings Fourscore Middle School Parents Together

In mid-December, before school let out for winter break, The Harker School’s middle school campus hosted a holiday brunch in the Blackford Theater for more than 80 parents. Tere Aceves, the director of K-8 volunteer programs and event fundraising, said the theater was decorated in white and gold, and set up as a truly social event.

“We want to start building a stronger sense of community in the middle school, so our purpose was to provide an outlet where parents could come and enjoy time with their peers,” Aceves said. She also noted that being able to see parents reconnect, sometimes after many years, was a wonderful experience. “They hugged, they giggled, and they were very happy. It actually seemed they needed more time together – they didn’t want to stop talking!”

In addition to being a great opportunity to learn more about the middle school community, Aceves said the interactions and all-around good times had by the parents let her know something else: that “we are definitely doing this again next year.”