Grade 1 Gain Appreciation for Art at Stanford Museum Outing

In November, the entire grade 1 class headed to the Cantor Arts Center at the Stanford University campus to view and learn about great works of art from all over the world. “The children saw sculptures, paintings, drawings, pottery and statues,” said Cindy Proctor, a grade 1 teacher who accompanied the students on the trip. “Under the care of our docents, the children learned that art tells a story.” With this in mind, students shared the stories they believed were being told by the various pieces at the museum.

The museum also contained lots of interesting history on the Stanford family. “Learning about Leland’s dog, Tootsie, was a highlight,” Proctor said. Students also strolled through the Rodin Sculpture Garden, famous for its amazing collection of bronze sculptures and statues. One of their favorite pieces was “David,” a life-like statue of a man leaning against a wall.

After the trip, students chimed in with what they enjoyed seeing at the museum. “I liked seeing Leland Stanford’s collection because he had lots of things from nature,” said student Andrew Reed.

Another student, Sabrina Zhu, said, “My favorite was the metal horse that looked like it was made from wood. How did they make the wood look like metal?”