Kicks Against Cancer Fundraising Starts Mid-January, Games Feb. 1

On Wed., Feb. 1, 2012, student-organized Kicks Against Cancer will again take place at Davis Field. At 3:30 p.m., The Harker School’s girls varsity soccer team will be facing off against Immaculate Conception Academy, followed by the varsity boys soccer game against Eastside College Prep. The event will once again help raise money for Camp Okizu, the camp program for young cancer patients and survivors. Last year’s event raised nearly $8,000, an amount that organizers hope to surpass this year.

Starting mid-January, T-shirts and wristbands will be sold during lunchtime to raise money for the event. Donations are also being accepted, and can be arranged by contacting girls soccer coach Jason Berry at

Returning this year is the popular halftime activity “Butts Up,” in which attendees can donate money for a chance to hit a teacher in the posterior with a soccer ball. Prizes will also be raffled during both games.

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