Parents Tour Campuses, Meet Faculty at Back-to-School Events

Parents were welcomed to the Harker campuses in September for a series of Back-to-School events. The upper school held its event on Sept. 10, allowing parents to tour the upper school campus, visit classrooms and hear upper school teachers talk about their classes and teaching methods. Student club representatives also set up tables in Nichols Hall to give parents a look at the different clubs their students can join.

The lower school held two Back-to-School Nights, one for grades 4-5 on Sept. 12, and another for grades 1-3 on Sept. 13. Both had parents touring the Bucknall gym, where teachers had tables and displays set up containing information about their classes. They also toured the campus and attended demonstrations by Harker teachers in their classrooms.

Finally, the middle school Back-to-School Night on Sept. 15 also took parents to presentations in classrooms, and science teacher Daniel Sommer even got the parents involved in a basic science project. Middle school art teacher Elizabeth Saltos entertained her audience with some very creative hat designs.

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