New Activity Program Offers Summer Fun for Middle Schoolers

A new summer activity program at the upper school campus offered a wide variety of things for middle school students to do this year.

Prior to this year’s program, middle school students were grouped together with younger students at the lower school campus. “The idea really came from the kids. In previous years, they didn’t want to be in these little groups the whole day,” said Keith Hirota, who directed the program. They also wanted more activities specifically geared toward their age group.

The new program offered activities such as swimming, games, crafts and three-point basketball shooting competitions to the students, whose classes ended at 11:30 a.m. Students also had the option of taking an art class or even studying in the library.

Each week of the program had a theme around which special activities were held. For instance, during Harry Potter Week, a game of Quidditch was organized, and during Fiesta Week, kitchen staff members showed the students how to make various kinds of salsa.

Students were still able to spend time in groups, and participated in various events (such as swimming laps) that allowed them to win points for their groups. At the end of the week, the group with the most points would win prizes. “Most of it revolved around food,” Hirota joked.

According to Hirota, students that were in the program reported enjoying the freedom that it offered, and he is hopeful for another successful summer next year.