Harker Archives Moves to Bucknall Campus

This story originally appeared in the June 2003 issue of Harker News

Over forty boxes of documents, artifacts, memorabilia and framed photographs found a new home on the Bucknall campus with the official move of the Harker archives to the Bucknall library in April.

The Harker Archives Project began in the summer of 2002, but quickly outgrew the small space in the Saratoga Library office. Now located in the office area in the Bucknall Library, archivist Sue Smith continues to collect and organize items from the school’s past, as well as to write Finding Aids, the scholarly documents created to describe an archive’s holdings. Smith notes, “We have some wonderful treasures in the Harker Archives. Our holdings are unique, and many are irreplaceable. They are truly our windows into our past.”

In addition to compiling school history, the Archives catalogs the documents and memorabilia and produces articles for the Harker News and the history section of the Harker Web site. Smith asks that If you are willing to part with a piece of (or copy of!) your personal “Harker history,” the Archives would appreciate your yearbooks, uniforms, photos, student work or other memorabilia from Palo Alto Military Academy, Miss Harker’s School, The Harker Day School and Harker Academy. Contact Sue Smith, Harker archivist, at susans@harker.org to discuss sharing your treasures!
