Harker Faculty and Staff Receive Service Pins to Commemorate Dedication

Harker’s tradition of honoring faculty and staff who have served for five years or multiple increments of five years continued in June at the annual End of Year Party. A total of 28 faculty and staff members received new service pins to mark their first five years, and dozens more had diamonds inserted in their existing service pins to honor their continued dedication.

Those who received new service pins are: Victor Adler, Patricia Andrews, Robert Boyer, Gayle Calkins, Justine Edwards, Jeanette Fernandez, Melinda Gonzales (counselor), Shelby Guarino, Matthew Harley, Louis Hoffman, Sandy Ignacio, Scott Kley Contini, Tamara Kley Contini, Desiree Mitchell, Katie Molin, Susan Moling, Angela Neff, Bettie Nelson, Jaron Olson, Alex Osorio, Pauline Paskali, Jared Ramsey, Elizabeth Saltos, Kate Schafer, Susan Smith, Troy Thiele, Amalia Vasconi and Lauri Vaughan.

Faculty and staff who received diamond inserts for 10 years of service are: Gary Blickenstaff, Karen Carlson, Chrissy Chang, Anita Chetty, Chris Colletti, Peggy Crisler, Henry Cuningham, Ilona Davies, Brigid Miller, Sherry Fong, J Gaston, Denise Hayashi, Gary Hinrich, Marc Hufnagl, Catherine Le, Mark Locascio, Beverley Manning, Lisa Masoni, Lana Morrison, Masako Onakado, Raul Rios and Raji Swaminathan.

Faculty and staff who were honored for 15 years of service are: Darrin Cassidy, Joe Chung, Chris Daren, Marilyn Hansen, Bob Keefer, Brian Larsen, Diana Moss, Kristin Neu, Heather Perrotta, Dan Rohrer, Karriem Stinson, Larry Washington and Patricia White.

Staff who were honored for 20 years of service are: Pam Dickinson, Georgianna Maddams and Stephen Martin.

Mike Bassoni and Carol Sosnowski were honored for 30 years at Harker, and Carol Parris and Pat Walsh were recognized for their 35 years.