Traveling Journalism Group Arrives in Venice

After a long overnight train to Venice, Italy, the traveling journalism students and teacher Chris Daren arrived at a new city and country. “We took water taxis to San Marco Square and rolled, carried and dragged the luggage about 300-400 yards to our hotel,” said Daren. “Some students are wishing they would have listened about what size of luggage to bring!”

After quick showers, students went off to find food groups of four or more. “Of course, many decided that the perfect way to finish their meals was with gelato,” said Daren. “So far one student is up to 10 scoops (they are small)!” The group later went to dinner at the new Hard Rock Café in preparation for a tough day on the streets where finding a story, photo work and sightseeing are on the agenda, said Daren.
