The Harker Innovation Team Participates in ECOmmercial Contest

The Harker Innovation Team submitted “Turn off the Lights,” a video about conserving electricity, to the LEAF ECOmmercial contest. Isaac Madan, grade 12, said, “The goal of our video is to promote lower electricity consumption by encouraging people to take action — particularly to turn off lights whenever possible.” Their aim was to take a large and complex topic, energy consumption and its environmental impact, and provide a simple way to address it – turning off lights. Madan hopes that this video would allow the viewers to take immediate action, consider their overall electricity consumption, and then find new ways to reduce their electricity use.

The ECOmmercial competition is a yearly competition that strives to bring together high school students with the goal of having a positive environmental impact. While the Harker team did not win the competition this year, they look forward to submitting more videos in the future and continuing to work on more competitive environmental and engineering projects.